Representational shifts - Increasing motivation for bottled water through simulation-enhancing advertisements

Background Despite its numerous health benefits, consumers’ daily water consumption is below the recommend level while soft drink consumption remains high. Previous research has shown that the degree to which drinks are cognitively represented of in terms of consuming and enjoying them (i.

Competition and moral behavior - A meta-analysis of forty-five crowd-sourced experimental designs

Does competition affect moral behavior? This fundamental question has been debated among leading scholars for centuries, and more recently, it has been tested in experimental studies yielding a body of rather inconclusive empirical evidence.

Increased consumption despite fewer occasions - A longitudinal analysis of COVID-19 lockdown effects on soft drink consumption in England

We examined the impact of a COVID-19 lockdown in England on the frequency of consumption occasions and amount of soft drinks consumed. Beverage consumption is strongly associated with specific, often social, consumption situations (e.

I’ll have what they’re having - a descriptive social norm increases choice for vegetables in students

Social information, such as norms, influences behavior. Descriptive norms can be used to guide behavior toward healthier choices. Here, we examined the effect of a descriptive norm on the choice between two similar products (vegetables or fruits).

Grounding Motivation for Behaviour Change

Many of the key problems humans are facing today result from desires, habits, and social norms impeding behaviour change. Here, we apply a grounded cognition perspective to these phenomena, suggesting that simulating the consequences of one’s actions plays a key role in them.

Flavours of desire - Cognitive representations of appetitive stimuli and their motivational implications

How do people cognitively represent appetitive stimuli? Do interactions with appetitive stimuli shape how we think about them, and do such representations affect motivation to consume? Although much is known about how people respond to appetitive stimuli, little is known about how they are represented.

No evidence that consumption and reward words on labels increase the appeal of water

Many people consume too much sugar from sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) and would benefit from drinking water instead. Previous research has shown that taste and reward expectations play a key role in food and drink choices, and that thinking about drinks in terms of consuming and enjoying them (i.